Arogya Setu App

Government of India has taken a lot of preventive measures to contain the COVID-19 or Novel Corona virus cases in the country. When most of the countries including developed countries have kneeled down before this pandemic COVID-19 virus, the Government of India is standing tall by taking every minor step to combat the deadly virus. In this line, Government of India has launched the ‘Aarogya Setu App’ on 1st April 2020.

This is not mere an Application or App but it is a kind of personal body Guard which the Government of India has provided to all its Citizens. So, this bodyguard makes you aware about the COVID-19 situation prevailing in your neighborhood. So, think before stepping out from your safest zone i.e. home.

This app will alert you in case you are in contact with an infected person suffering from COVID-19 by using Artificial intelligence.

This app has all the details of helpline numbers of all states so that whenever you need, you may get help.

With this App everyone, of course, who downloaded and installed it, can check whether he or she is ‘Safe’ or at ‘low risk’ or ‘moderate risk’ or ‘High risk’.

For example: This App gives you a real time and accurate status of your neighborhood (1Km radius) like:

  • 68 users have taken self assessment test.
  • 32 users self assessed as ‘Unwell’.
  • 1 user diagnosed COVID-19 positive.
  • 2 users identified ‘At Risk’ for being in proximity of a person who tested positive’.

To know more about the Aarogya Setu App and its features visit and download from

Covid-19: view Status of India

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